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KA1 Staff Mobility

You can find more information about the courses attended during 2016-2018.

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Erasmus+ 2016-2018: About Us



Our school believes in educators' developin.
Take a look below to learn more about the courses during 2016-2018.

The Flipped Classroom and Innovative Didactic Methodologies

Who: Glocal Factory
Where: Italy, Verona
When: 18.11.2016-22.11.2016


  • Understand and apply cooperative learning techniques with your learners

  • Understand the Flipped Classroom methodology and its impact on students’ motivation and performances

  • Learn how to plan and implement a Flipped Lesson

  • Explore the main ICT tools for creating a flipped learning environment and learn how to use them efficiently

  • Understand the Webquest methodology

  • Learn how to plan and edit an online Webquest

  • Learn from didactic practices implemented by European colleagues

  • Acquire a European perspective and build lasting relationships with schools and colleagues throughout Europe​

Life Long Learning Program

Who: Training Vision
Where: Portsmouth, UK
When: 16.01.2017-20.01.2017

Participants got in touch with a different adult education system and trained in an innovative teaching technique and skills. They also visited alternative adult education systems and were informed about the differences and similarities to the Greek adult education system.

Vitamin C boosts education

Who: Dominou
Where: Caldas da Raihna, Portugal 
When: 19.04.2017-30.04.2017

Coaching: the non-formal education method to bring out the best from your learners.


  • Develop competences regarding applying coaching as a methodology in different formal settings in order to improve the motivation and results of the students

  • Enable participants to develop coaching activities, techniques and tools (a guide, a digital game etc.) through experimental teaching for their own teaching context in order to improve the results of their students

  • Increase and capacitate participants’ confidence in working with at least 5 coaching methods and tools, using their own qualities, talents, differences,as resources to help and empower youths to develop their critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and constructive management of feelings

  • Teach how to use the collective intelligence of the groups they are working with to increase their results

  • Teach the participants techniques that will empower youth with a sense of personal initiative and entrepreneurship and help them create their personal drive and learning to learn their own way (EU key competences “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship” and “learning to learn”) 

  • Teach the participants techniques that will allow their learners and peers to better understand themselves and empathise, leading to better social and civic competences (EU key competence “social and civic competences”)

  • Share best practices and transfer knowledge and methods between different cultural zones and different learner ages

Make technology your friend!

Who: Dominou
Where: Craiova, RomaniA
When: 26.10.2017-03.11.2017


  • Develop ICT competences about applying technology in different educational settings in order to improve the motivation of the students

  • Share best practices and transfer knowledge and methods between different cultural zones (at least 3 countries) and different learner ages

  • Develop tools (a digital game, an E-portfolio, digital stories) about ways of applying technology in education for different age groups

  • Enable participants to find at least 5 activities and techniques for their own teaching context in order to improve the motivation of their students

  • Increase participants’ confidence in using web 2.0 social media tools

  • Promote European cooperation in the field of education within the framework of the Erasmus+ program by partnership building

Educational Psychology

Who: MAD for Europe
Where: Madrid, Spain 
When: 04.06.2018-08.06.2018


Erasmus+ 2016-2018: Activities


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Erasmus+ 2016-2018: Files
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