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Poster_Collaboration, Culture & 2nd Chan

Collaboration, Culture and 2nd Chances for all


"Collaboration, Culture and 2nd Chances for All" is a mobility project for adult education staff that comprises structured courses. Heraklion Second Chance School as the applicant organization aims at the multilevel development of its staff at a professional, cultural and social level. In this mobility project Heraklion Second Chance School has included courses that aim at improving the school’s educators skills and knowledge in terms of inclusion and integration of disadvantaged social groups within school environment, multiculturality, enhancing their cultural awakening based on Greek and European cultural heritage, and developing personal and professional skills for communication and collaboration with European and international partners. Course providers that meet school’s needs have been carefully selected to fully respond to these needs. All of them have good recommendations and well-structured training courses. Moreover, they have shown professionalism and willingness to communicate with our school.

Erasmus+ 2018-2019 (English): Welcome


Our training activities for 2018-2019.

Take a look below and learn more.


Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage – Calabria edition


  • Encourage the exploration of Europe’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, in the “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018”

  • Celebrate, understand and protect the unique value of cultural heritage

  • Acquiring non-formal education methods and tools to foster students’ exploration, studying and representation of the cultural heritage

  • Fostering different creative languages and improving the usage of digital tools

  • Reflect on the place that cultural heritage occupies in all our lives

  • Stimulating reflection and innovative ideas for a sustainable development of our cultural heritage.

Who: Enjoy Italy
Where: Italy, Marcellinara
When: 18.11.2018-22.11.2018


European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

  • Develop effective project ideas for European cooperation among schools, universities, SMEs, Public Institutions and others under KA2 projects

  • Financial and administrative aspects of EU projects

  • Manage the Erasmus+ project activities and the relations with the partnership and with the National Agencies

  • Monitor and evaluate the project, produce correct project reports and carry out an effective and efficient financial management of your project

  • Organize the project materials for eventual controls and/or external audits and learn the tricks of reporting the project expenses   

Who: Euphoria

Where: Rome, Italy

When: 18.02.2019-22.02.2019


Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups


  • To contribute to the promotion of inclusive education and training policies and practices in contexts of social and cultural diversity;

  • To study the Role of Teachers in Inclusive Education: interaction between learners and teachers; the disposition, skills, knowledge and motivation of teachers in adopting new approaches the education of students from various economic, cultural and experiential backgrounds;

  • To emphasize on Teachers’ input as a paramount in ensuring any real changes in practice, and hence impacts on the outcomes of learning;

  • To identify the challenges and to draft the related policy of overcoming the problems faced;

  • To increase teachers’ competence in recognizing, accommodating and valuing diversity in the classroom and wider society to enhance teachers’ competence to overcome discrimination, exclusion and disadvantage in education;

  • To lead to widest possible understanding of inclusion in education and training in order to capture the full scope of related problems and accommodate the specific problems of diverse disadvantaged groups;

  • To develop an approach that is balanced between the general pluralism and equal opportunities perspectives;

  • To acquire knowledge of  Education (Formal, Non-formal, Informal) as a Tool for Democratization, Stabilization, Inclusion and Promotion of Tolerance and Intercultural Understanding;

  • To perceive educational inclusion as a process of increasing and encouraging participation and decreasing exclusion, whereby participation means greater recognition, acceptance and respect along with inclusion in the learning process and social activities in a way that enables an individual to develop a sense of belonging to society;

  • Mapping of Policies and Practices for Teachers’ Preparation for inclusive education;

  • To improve teacher education systems including initial teacher education, induction, mentoring and continuing professional development;

  • Strengthen the profession and ensure the quality of teacher educators;

  • To develop  the key competences in disadvantaged groups; the assessment of their competences and the identification of the gap between the “starting competences” and the competences they should have to be integrated in society;

  • To create an individual learning path for the learners to accompany them in the best way through this learning process;

  • To provide our target groups with learning opportunities through non formal education and experiential learning;

  • To increase the skills of teachers and trainers about the assessment and recognition of competences, the pedagogical approaches to work with disadvantaged groups and the valorization of the competences acquired in a non formal and informal context;

  • To explore examples of good EU/world practices and experiences in the field of educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups.

Who: Motivated Learning For Everyone
Where: Barcelona, Spain
When: 09.07.2019-18.07.2019

Erasmus+ 2018-2019 (English): Activities

Participants' experience

"Expoloration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intagible Cultural Heritage - Calabria Edition" in Marcellinara

2018-11#231 - Tiriolo, Calabria.jpg

November, 2018

The educational course we attended in Marcellinara of South Italy (Calabria) was mainly about intercultural education with a focus on managing the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It combined the theoretical knowledge/framework (e.g. myth and tradition in the perception of historical continuity) as well as the exploitation of the lived experience of the past for the sake of the financial, cultural and wider social development of a place (many visits to production units of traditional food and drinks, agricultural infrastructure as well as museums – places of archeological and historic interest took place).
The most interesting part of the course was the field visits as we were given first hand opportunity to perceive the mechanisms and principles of cultural heritage management.
Of intense interest were the visits to local schools (Istituto Comprensivo Statale "Don G. Maraziti" in Marcellinara and Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale in Catanzaro) and the discussion prompted among the teachers when practical issues were raised on the educational capitalization of the cultural wealth and heritage.
As our place possesses a huge cultural wealth and the needs for training on the subject become more urgent under the international circumstances ( he importance of the migration problem and the outbreak of racism) the course will enable teachers to confront the complexity of the issue in the educational process. At the same time, our school was given the opportunity to build communicational bridges and therefore to participate in future collaborations with other educational entities.

"European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects" in Rome


February, 2019

In the course we attended in Rome, Italy, we were given the opportunity to get informed about all the European Erasmus programs and the philosophy of each one of them.

There was an emphasis on the Erasmus KA2 programs , their structure was studied to the depth, particularly the financial management of such a program.

Through this program we acquired, in an experimental way, the knowledge and skills required to enable us to design and coordinate a KA2 program.

 Also we were given the opportunity to see aspects of the Erasmus+ unknown to us before, and we were given ideas to enable us design and complete in the following Erasmus programs.

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups” in Barcelona


July, 2019

The educational course we attended in Barcelona, Spain, during the period 09/07/2019-18/07/2019 from the organization “Motivated Learning for everyone” was called “Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups”. Six teachers from the Second Chance School of Heraklion, Crete participated. During the seminar there were sessions on:

  • who are the disadvantaged groups in our country, the reasons of their exclusion and the sectors they tend to be excluded from.

  • team building with a focus on the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, on approaches to non-formal and informal adult education. 

  • inclusion of migrants through mutual religious understanding and cultural awareness. 

  • how to create an inclusive society and to promote social integration, structural and individual challenges and on how to empower disadvantaged communities through innovative education.

  • EU policy on education of vulnerable groups

  • discussion on ways to disseminate the new knowledge

The course ended with a course evaluation activity.

During the course there were visits to cultural sights of Barcelona to enable us to get a better knowledge of the country of Spain, in particular of Catalonia.

Erasmus+ 2018-2019 (English): What's Happening


Our project in photos

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Marcelinara - Calabria

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Traditional costumes (Calabria) / Παραδοσιακές στολές από την περιοχή της Καλαβρίας

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Partipants and our trainer Alessandro

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Exploration, study and story-telling of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage - Calabria

Beautiful Calabrian scenic

European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects


European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects


European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

Job shadowing

European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects

Time for class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Bonding game

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Bonding game

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Visit to Park Güell

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Visit to Park Güell

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

During class

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Playing games

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Playing games

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups

Key competences in socio-cultural and educational inclusion of disadvantaged groups


Erasmus+ 2018-2019 (English): Photo Gallery


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Erasmus+ 2018-2019 (English): About
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